
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Banana Pancakes!

I've had bananas sitting on my counter all week that didn't get eaten and they were staring at me with their browness.  I hated to just throw them away.  I decided to use what I had in the house to make something with them.  So I set out on a Pinterest mission!  I spend enough time going to the grocery store, so that was NOT an option.  I've been hungry for pancakes and it's Sunday, so banana pancakes sounded like a perfect plan.  I found several recipes for banana pancakes but they all had ingredients listed that I (a) did not want to use in the recipe or (b) did not have in my house.  So this recipe is a modge podge of all 3!

So here are the ingredients that I used:
2 Mashed Bananas
2 Egg Whites
1/2 Whole Wheat Flour
1/4 Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 C. Milk
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
2 tsp. Cinnamon
2 Tbs. PB2

Mash Bananas. Mix with Egg Whites and Milk.  Add all other ingredients and mix well.
Drop into pan as you would with normal pancake mix.  
 Hint: Cook on low heat for a longer amount of time so middle cooks through.
They had a pretty similar consistency to regular pancakes and I just ate mine plain. I thought they were fantastic!  My husband ate them as well.  He said they were "okay" but he is a pancake snob so I wouldn't take his opinion to heart.  Pancakes are his favorite breakfast food and he usually smothers them with butter and syrup, so I was already at a disadvantage going in.  Ha!  I would definitely make these again and I know that you would love them too!

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