
Monday, July 29, 2013

Cupcake Interrupted....

I bet you are wondering why I named my blog, "Burpees and Baked Goods".  It seems kind of silly to have "Baked Goods" in the name of a fitness blog!  But the truth is that the title represents my love/hate relationship with food and fitness.  I LOVE food... especially baked goods... cupcakes, pie, cake, doughnuts, chocolate... the list goes on and on...and on... and on!  Did I mention that I LOVE these items??!!  Doesn't seem to go hand-in-hand with someone who is trying desperately to lose weight and get in shape!  But I've learned that I can have these things in moderation.  I just can't have them everyday.  It doesn't mean that I don't look longingly at them when I go past them in the grocery store... in fact, there may be a little drool on my chin if you look close enough.

And then on the flip-side... let's talk about my hate for burpees!  Do you know what they are?  Have you ever tried them?  If you don't know what they are, Google them now!  I feel like I am flailing my body onto the ground only to try and get back up again.  How the heck do the people in my workout videos get up SOOOO fast??  I used to chuckle at the contestants on the Biggest Loser when they would complain about burpees.  I mean, they didn't look so hard! "Suck it up", I would say!  Fast forward to me and my burpee adventure.  WOW!  I have literally stood during the segments of my workouts where they were doing burpees.  And...shhhh... don't tell Chalene and Shaun T, but there have been instances were I pushed the fast forward button so I didn't have to come to grips with the fact that I was giving up and being a quitter.  With that being said, I've been working hard to master the burpee.  I'm not fast, but I don't quit, and I'm better than when I started.

So I guess the moral of the story is that you have to take it day by day.  You will slowly learn to cut back on the "baked goods" that you shouldn't be eating and you will get better at the "burpees" that seem so difficult.  It's a constant struggle everyday for me, but I see myself making progress and that's something to be proud of!  Maybe someday when I'm feeling a little braver, I'll even post a video of me and my burpees, but let's save that for a later date.   I'm not ready to make my comedic debut just yet.

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