
Sunday, July 28, 2013

What my blog is about...

I've struggled with weight my whole life.  Lost weight.  Gained weight.  Lost weight.  Gained weight.  It's the most frustrating thing to go through, and I know there are millions of people out there just like  me.  I've been jealous of those who can eat whatever they want and don't seem to gain an ounce of weight... but let me just look at a french fry and I swear I gain five pounds! I've done it all... tried pills, stopped eating carbs, exercised like a maniac... the list goes on.  So trust me, I've been there, done that. 

I finally found something that works and I'm hoping I can help others who share the same frustrations that I do.  Through the use of Beachbody workouts, Shakeology, and Clean eating, I'm finally down a path where I've been successful at losing weight and getting fit.  I still have quite a journey in front of me but I know I can help you get started on your own journey! 

Follow my blog for updates on my journey, recipes, and tips on clean eating!

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