
Sunday, September 29, 2013

General Tso's Meatballs... Getting My Chinese Takeout Fix!

One of my favorite takeout dishes from the Chinese restaurant is General Tso's Chicken.  However, I rarely ever order it because I know that it's terrible for me.  It's definitely something that I have as a splurge.  When I saw this recipe on Facebook, I was super excited to try it.  I changed a few of the ingredients to suit my own tastes and cut out the step where it tells you to fry the meatballs.  These little things are delicious and a perfect way to get that Chinese takeout fix!

General Tso's Meatballs
Serving Size (4 Meatballs)

 Ingredients (For The Meatballs):
1 lb Ground Turkey
1 tsp ground Ginger
1/4 cup Scallions, Chopped
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 cup almond flour
1 egg

Mix all ingredients together and form into balls.  Should make about 16 meatballs.  Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes or until cooked thoroughly.

Ingredients (For the Sauce):
1/2 tsp Sesame Oil
3 Tbsp Rice Wine Vinegar
3 Tbsp Soy Sauce (Low Sodium)
3 Tbsp Honey
1/4 cup Scallions, Chopped
4-5 small dried chilies, seeded and chopped (I didn't have these so I substituted a tsp of chili powder and added some red pepper flakes)

Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil.  Simmer for five minutes until thickened and remove from heat.  Pour sauce over meatballs and serve.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Southwest Stuffed Peppers

Southwest Stuffed Peppers
3 or 4 Peppers (can use Green, Red, Yellow or a mixture)
1 lb ground turkey
1 cup chopped onions
Packet Taco Seasoning
2 cups cooked rice
1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
1 can of corn (or use frozen corn)
1 15 oz jar of salsa (I sometimes use a little more)
Shredded Mexican Cheese

Cut and clean your peppers.  Hint: Cut Peppers in half lengthwise and try NOT to cut off the top of the pepper (like I did in these photos).  If you cut off the top, you will have trouble getting your "stuffing" to stay in them.  I already had these peppers cut and in my freezer so I just went with what I had.  Place peppers in a baking dish and drizzle with Olive Oil.  Bake at 400 for 20-25 minutes or until tender.  They will be done by the time you are done with making the stuff for inside.

In a large skillet, cook your ground turkey and onion (salt and pepper to taste).

Once your meat is cooked through, add salsa, black beans, corn, rice, and taco seasoning.

Spoon this mixture into your peppers.  Top with cheese.  

Place back into the oven and bake until your cheese is melted.  Here is what the finished product will look like.

This recipe makes a ton of "stuffing" for in your peppers and I usually have a good amount left over.  We usually use it to top off salads, in a wrap, or just heated up in a bowl.  Makes a great lunch for the following day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Avocado Chicken Salad...Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

I'm a huge fan of chicken salad, but I don't make it that often because the only recipe I know how to make calls for mayonnaise, and I've been trying to avoid mayo.  As many of you know, I am a Pinterest freak!  So, when I saw a recipe for chicken salad that called for avocado rather than mayo, I was on it!  I revamped the recipe to my own liking and it came out a winner.  I got a 2 thumbs up from my husband!  Here's the recipe:

Avocado Chicken Salad
2 or 3 chicken breasts (I did 3, but mine were on the small side)
2 avocados
1/4 chopped onion
juice from one lime
Salt and pepper to taste

Chop up your cooked chicken breasts.  Add avocado, onion, and lime juice.  Mix all ingredients.
That's it!  Voila!

Yes it's green... it has avocado in it, but it is the best chicken salad I've ever had!  Here's what the finished product looks like.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Banana Pancakes!

I've had bananas sitting on my counter all week that didn't get eaten and they were staring at me with their browness.  I hated to just throw them away.  I decided to use what I had in the house to make something with them.  So I set out on a Pinterest mission!  I spend enough time going to the grocery store, so that was NOT an option.  I've been hungry for pancakes and it's Sunday, so banana pancakes sounded like a perfect plan.  I found several recipes for banana pancakes but they all had ingredients listed that I (a) did not want to use in the recipe or (b) did not have in my house.  So this recipe is a modge podge of all 3!

So here are the ingredients that I used:
2 Mashed Bananas
2 Egg Whites
1/2 Whole Wheat Flour
1/4 Vanilla Shakeology
1/2 C. Milk
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
2 tsp. Cinnamon
2 Tbs. PB2

Mash Bananas. Mix with Egg Whites and Milk.  Add all other ingredients and mix well.
Drop into pan as you would with normal pancake mix.  
 Hint: Cook on low heat for a longer amount of time so middle cooks through.
They had a pretty similar consistency to regular pancakes and I just ate mine plain. I thought they were fantastic!  My husband ate them as well.  He said they were "okay" but he is a pancake snob so I wouldn't take his opinion to heart.  Pancakes are his favorite breakfast food and he usually smothers them with butter and syrup, so I was already at a disadvantage going in.  Ha!  I would definitely make these again and I know that you would love them too!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Swap it out!

Spinach Dip
16 oz of Greek Yogurt (instead of sour cream)
Box of Frozen Spinach (thawed)
1 Packet of Ranch
Mix Greek Yogurt, Spinach, and Ranch Packet together.
Serve with Pita Chips 

Let's be honest. Not everyone can completely revamp their eating habits in one day. The thought can be overwhelming and I think it sometimes prevents people from starting that journey to change their lifestyle.  But I have good news for you!  You don't have to start eating clean, cold turkey (unless you want to).  Start by making small changes... eventually those small changes will lead to bigger changes...and that will lead you to a habit that becomes your lifestyle!

For example, instead of using sour cream in a recipe, replace the sour cream with plain Greek yogurt.  Trust me... it tastes great! Try the Spinach Dip Recipe that I've posted above.  I made it recently for my hubby and his friends for their Friday night card game.  They all loved it and had no clue that it was made with Greek yogurt.   I call that a win!  I know that it wasn't completely clean, but I felt much better serving that than a dip made with a whole container of sour cream.

Changing eating habits should be a lifestyle change...NOT a diet!  Make swaps that  you feel comfortable with.  Find things that you like.  And always try new things!  I make a point to try new recipes all the time.  Some are winners.  Some are  not.  But I don't know unless I try!  In fact, this Summer, I tried using spaghetti squash instead of pasta and made pizza crust out of cauliflower rather than using pizza dough.  Both were fantastic (and again hubby approved... which is my way of determining recipe success)!

Here are some examples of other food swaps you can make:

GET RID OF:                   SWAP WITH:      
White Rice                        Brown Rice or Quinoa
Coffe Creamer                  Unsweetend Almond Milk
Mayo                                 Avocado
Sugary Drinks/Soda          Water
Ground Beef                     Ground Turkey
Regular Peanut Butter      Natural Peanut Butter (only ingredient is peanuts)
Chips                               Fresh Cut Veggies, Zucchini Chips (recipe in my blog)
Pasta                                 Spaghetti Squash

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

TurboFire Chili... A recipe to welcome you to Fall!

Most people in my life are pretty excited that Fall is here.  I wish I could share in the excitement.  I'm a Summer lover hands down.  Fall just reminds me that in a few months, I will be suffering through another cold, blustery winter here in Central PA.  Even though Fall brings cool days, gorgeous backdrops and fall festivals, I always picture the white stuff that I'm about to endure.   I dread the snow shoveling, ice scraping, and dark days...not to mention the white knuckle driving on icy roadways.  With that being said, the upcoming months are when people turn to comfort food.  That's why I love this TurboFire Chili recipe.  It gives you that feeling that comfort food gives you, but it's good for you!  It's one of my favorite recipes and it's hubby approved!

Turbo Fire Chili Recipe
1 lb lean ground turkey
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
8oz whole kernel corn, canned
1/2 onion, diced
2 garlic cloves
8oz black beans, canned
8oz pinto, chili, or kidney beans, canned
1tbsp tomato paste (I tend to use a little more)
1 pkg Lawrey's Chili seasoning
4 oz low-fat shredded cheddar cheese (optional)

Brown turkey. Drain and discard any fat. Place all ingredients except cheese into a slow cooker. Cook for 4 hours on low, or 2 hours on high. Top with 1 oz. cheese, if desired.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dear Scale.... I hate you....

I break up with my scale frequently...VERY frequently.  We definitely have a love/hate relationship, although hate/hate relationship may be more fitting.  To tell you the truth, I haven't stepped on the scale in months and I have no intention of getting on it any time soon.

I'm sure many of you can relate.  You start out strong.  Workouts are going great.  You are making great food choices.  And the next thing you  know, you are down 2 pounds!  SCORE!!  That just motivates you even more.  The following week is just as good and you are down another few pounds.  All goes well like this for awhile until one day you step on that scale and it tells you that you've gained 5 pounds.  WHAT THE... (you fill in the blank)!  You step off the scale and then step back on... maybe your feet placement was wrong... yes... that's it!  So you re-position when you step back on.  NO CHANGE (like moving your toe a half an inch was really going to make a difference)!  Well... maybe the settings are  messed up or the battery needs changed.  So you flip it over, mess around with some buttons, maybe even change the battery, feeling sure that the results will now be better.  WRONG!  In your mind,  you keep saying, "This can't be right!".  Enter in the panic and a whole mix of other emotions... frustration, the overwhelming feeling that you are going to cry (and if you're me, you probably do), anger, and so many more.

The truth is that I can't handle the up and down roller coaster that is my weight.  I've dealt with it my whole life and it overwhelms me.  The scale ruins my self esteem and causes me to just head straight for the pizza and ice cream when it doesn't show me what I want to see.  I say to myself, "What's the point?!".  My mind starts racing and I conjure up all of these reasons why it's stupid for me to continue getting up at 4 am to workout.  I tell myself that I might as well eat those wings that are staring me in the face.  I mean... I'm just going to gain weight anyway, right?  WRONG!

I'm not perfect at eating and I'm not perfect at working out.  But I did promise myself to do my best at living a healthy lifestyle.  That's why I can't give up... and this is why the scale and I have broken up.  Honestly, when the scale blares that big red number at me, I swear it blinks the word "FAT" "FAT" "FAT" and I don't need that in my life.  I stay focused on my future when I stay away from that evil scale, so that's the best option for me.  I don't need a constant reminder that I haven't reached my goal yet. I already know that. Let's be honest.  If you had a friend that came to your house everyday, told you what a loser you were, and made you feel bad about yourself, you would get rid of them, right?  Well that's how I feel about my scale. We have a bad relationship, so I've eliminated it from my life...for now.

Many will argue that you need to see what progress you are making and that you need to use the scale to measure it.  To a point, I agree.  Yes... the scale is one way to measure.  I wholeheartedly believe that you need to weigh yourself for a starting point and check back periodically.  But I also think that stepping on the scale daily and obsessing over that number is bad.  There are other ways to measure.  Inches lost.  Clothing fitting differently. Overall feeling of getting stronger and healthier each day.

So, yes, the scale and I will get back together someday.  But for now, I'm just focusing on making myself healthier and stronger.  I'm making healthy food choices and I'm making a point to stay on track with my workouts.  And that's good enough for me. Everyone is different, so do what works best for you.  Ultimately, it's your one else's.